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Check marks are super cool. Every school child wants them. Twitter is handing them out like Candy, but what do the colors mean? Blue, grey, white - so confusing.


Get a medal - not a check mark

Join the Fan Freak Own the Podium program where, just like Twitter, you don't have to earn a check mark from Mr. Musk you can pay for your medal to OWN THE PODIUM. You get to decide - Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Doesn't that color scheme make more sense? And now, just available in the USA, pay for your Platinum medal too. Nobody should ever be denied a medal for not finishing on the podium!


Print your medal and wear it out to dinner so that everybody knows you could be Twitter famous if you wanted. Place it on your Twitter profile today - Elon wants you to.


With each purchase receive a special congratulations audio message from the hero himself. 


Audio preview:

You deserve a massive congratulations for Buying the Podium. Well done. 


Twitter Blue Check Bronze

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